Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thought for the Day

"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
-- Ronald Reagan"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cost Savings - Budget Busters

I know you want to save money, but there are those constant budget busters that steal your money and leave you constantly crying for cash.

Here are a few simple ideas to help you save money and leave behind budget busters.

Think about switching deodorants. Believe it or not, the less costly no-name brand deodorants are often just as effective as your name brand type.

I am a picky eater, but I also realize that there are some combinations of food that I will never taste the difference. If you give me a tomato sauce made with my favorite, more expensive tomato and then one with a less expensive mealy tomato, I will probably taste the difference.

However, if you are mixing yogurt in your favorite smoothies or butter that is on sale versus your less expensive brand into a cooked item, you most likely will never taste the difference.

The same goes for pasta and many other food items that you eat. If you aren't going to taste the difference, but only know the difference in your head, why not switch?

Buy stamps at Costco or Sam’s Club. Believe it or not, they can give you a better deal than the Post Office.

Why pay more for “printer” paper for school, when regular, inexpensive by comparision, white copy paper works just as well. For great bargains I suggest Realiable. Their phone number is: 800-735-4000.

One last easy tip. While it may seem very obvious because the high cost of gas has become prohibitive, it still behooves you for me to say it, ditch the high grade and get into low grade gas. Always consult with a mechanic who is not biased to your vehicles manufacturer before you do this, but I have always run my vehicles, even when they said “high octane only” gas on low grade gas. I have never had a problem and in fact, most mechanics who do my tune-ups think the car is brand new.

If you change your oil every three thousand to six thousand miles and get regular tune-ups, you will be okay. My mom agrees and she’s been driving my entire life!

There are many more strategies to use, but this will get you started!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Unadvertised Sales

August, 7 2008: Today I went into Nob Hill / Raley's and found my favorite bread on sale! It's never been on sale in all the years I have been buying it! Miltons Wheat Bread was on sale for $2.50 a loaf! Oh Yes!

Also, I found that Horizon Organic Milk was on sale for $2.85 a gallon, peaches were on sale for $0.69 lb. Organic cheese was on sale for $2.25 lbs. There were so many more sales and I didn't have time to write them down because I was going for a short stop on my way home and I wanted to check for the blog and because it was on my way home (a direct path) it was worth the stop. i stocked up on a lot of items. This is an unadvertised sale.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Take a Bite Out of the Gas Crunch and Get Paid to Drive

With gas at an all time high, many people are cutting back on everything, including their food and basic living needs. The American population has been hit hard by the gas crisis simply because in most parts of America, there are no feasible means of mass transportation.

Because of the lack of mass transportation and affordable fuel choices, many Americans have had to make some tough choices. Some have left their places of work, in many cases places they have worked for many years, simply because they cannot afford to pay the gas bill at the end of the month. Others have chosen to move closer to their jobs, uprooting their lives and changing their way of living.

All this has led to, in some cases, a lesser quality of life. There are a few solutions out there that can help you during this gas crisis, besides the obvious choices of riding a bike or walking. You can live more and spend less!

1. Check your local supermarkets and find out if they have a gas rewards program that goes with your super saver card. What is a super saver card? It’s a free card that you sign up for in order to receive extra savings at your local supermarket or grocery store. Piggley Wiggly has a program like this, as do many others grocery stores across the nation. Check for a list of stores that have this option available. It cost nothing, but gives you gas rewards at the pump. Think of it as paying yourself to purchase groceries!

2. Check to see if your local newspaper, news station or transportation commission might be sponsoring some type of rideshare program. Recently, The Metropolitan Transportation Commission in Oakland sponsored a 511 Rideshare program. What is a rideshare program? In this case, anyone who signed up for ridesharing and at least tried it, was given a certificate towards $100 of gas or groceries.

3. Use your car to receive free gas! Did your eyes deceive you? Or were you reading correctly? Yes, that’s what I said, free gas! There is a program, provided by that utilizes people’s cars for advertising. Perhaps you have seen cars that look like traveling billboards. Or buses that have a saran wrap type of billboard on them? That’s what does. Check it out! You might be just the person they are looking for in your town!

These are just a few simple ways that may help you save money on your gas, putting extra money back in your pocket. That’s money you can use to pay off your debts or put into a savings account.