Tuesday, April 15, 2008

8 Ways to Save Money and the Environment by Going Green

Going Green is the cause celeb of the day, but if you really look at history, going green has been a cause for many people from the get go. The following are a eight tried and true methods to help you go green, which will not only save you money, but will help you help to save the environment for generations to come.

  1. Make your own baby food. Cook veggies of any kind as well as meats and other healthy foods and process them in your food processor or blender until they are creamy and smooth. You will not only save money, but also save on the jars and packaging that are needed to package the baby food you purchase in the store. Additionally, the food will be much healthier for your child, because you know exactly what you have used and put into it.
  1. Shop at rummage sales and go online to places like freecycle.com. This will help save the environment by reusing items that normally would end up in landfills as well as save your pocket book from spending a lot more money than you need too.
  1. Use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones as much as possible. Yes, they have an odor that stays around and yes, you have to wash them, but you will be saving money from the expense of buying disposable diapers as well as saving the environment because of the sheer volume of diapers that are put into landfills on a daily basis.
  1. If you own a company with a commercial printer, change to soy-based ink instead of using petroleum-based ink. Soy based ink is roughly the same price, but you will be saving the environment from toxins produced by ink and the cartridges used to carry the ink.
  1. Ride your bike to work, walk, take the bus or better yet, talk to your employer about setting up an incentive program for employees who commute to work together. The rising cost of gas as well as the toxins produced from the carbons is incentive enough to use any one of these methods.
  1. Replace old light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs. You will save money on your electric bill and when the energy efficient light bulbs are on sale, you will be saving a lot of money on the purchase price as well. The environment is also helped by using less energy.
  1. Use an energy efficient space heater instead of your house heater. Move the space heater into whichever room you and your family are occupying at the time (be sure to unplug it when someone is not in the same room to monitor it). Why pay a lot of money to heat parts of the house you are not in. Save money on your electric bill and help save the environment by putting the green in your pocket instead of sending your green to the electric company.
  1. Use Energy Star appliances and file for the rebates, refunds and tax credits that are allowed when you purchase such appliances. You will again be putting the green in your pocket and saving electricity, which helps the environment.

There are many more ideas you can come up with on your own. The point is to go green and save your green for a better future for your children, their children, and a better retirement when you start using your retirement fund that was bolstered by your money saving acumen.

Jaci Rae is known as The Queen of More Green. For more advice and money saving tips, please go too: www.thequeenofgreen.com or www.shopforaday.com where you will also find free gifts from Procter and Gamble.

1 comment:

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

I'd go further with your first point. Don't just make your own baby food, make all your own food. And it's better for all the same reasons you listed for the baby food.

How To Cook Like Your Grandmother